TKR Jašek, s.r.o.
Ceník volání hlasové služby VOJP - VOJPujeme ZADARMO!
Telefonní hovor je účtován po sekundách (tarifikace 1 + 1). Uvedené ceny jsou v Kč bez DPH, v závorce je uvedena cena v Kč včetně DPH. Příchozí volání je zdarma, volající platí za hovor stejně jako na běžnou pevnou linku.
Česká republika
Cílová síť | Cena za minutu | Cena za sekundu |
VOJPujeme ZADARMO! | 0,00(0,00) | |
Partnerské sítě s voláním ZDARMA! | 0,00(0,00) | |
Pevná linka mimo špičku (19-7 hod.) * | 0,25(0,30) | 0,0041(0,0050) |
Pevná linka ve špičce (7-19 hod.) | 0,49(0,59) | 0,0081(0,0098) |
Mobilní sítě | 0,82(0,99) | 0,0136(0,0165) |
* uvedené ceny platí také o víkendech a svátcích
Zahraniční hovory
Zde uvedené ceny jsou pouze výtahem z ceníku - pro zjištění přesné částky Vám doporučujeme používat primárně kalkulačku ceny hovoru výše.
Mezinárodní hovory | Cena za minutu | Cena za sekundu |
Slovensko - Pevné Sítě | 0,40(0,48) | 0,0066 (0,0080) |
Slovensko - Mobilní Sítě | 3,20(3,87) | 0,0533 (0,0645) |
Canada 204 Manitoba, Canada 250 British Columbia, Canada 289 Ontario, Canada 306 Saskatchewan, Canada 403 Alberta, Canada 416 Metro Toronto, Canada 418 Quebec City, Canada 450 Quebec, Canada 506 New Brunswick, Canada 514 Quebec, Canada 519 Ontario, Canada 604 British Columbia, Canada 613 Ontario, Canada 647 Ontario, Canada 705 Ontario, Canada 709 New Foundland, Canada 778 British Columbia, Canada 780 Alberta, Canada 807 Ontario, Canada 819 Quebec, Canada 867 Yukon And N.w.t., Canada 902 Nova Scotia, Canada 905 Ontario | 0,16(0,19) | 0,0026 (0,0032) |
Argentina Buenos Aires | 0,17(0,20) | 0,0028 (0,0033) |
Russia Moscow | 0,18(0,22) | 0,0030 (0,0037) |
Russia St. Petersburg | 0,22(0,27) | 0,0037 (0,0045) |
Singapore, Singapore Mobile | 0,24(0,29) | 0,0040 (0,0048) |
Poland Warsaw, United Kingdom, United Kingdom London, United Kingdom Voip | 0,25(0,30) | 0,0041 (0,0050) |
Denmark, Denmark Copenhagen, Denmark Freephone, Spain, Spain Alicante, Spain Balearic Islands, Spain Barcelona, Spain Bilbao, Spain Freephone, Spain Madrid, Spain Malaga, Spain Palma De Mallorca, Spain Personal, Spain Sevilla, Spain Tarragona, Spain Tenerife, Spain Valencia, Spain Zaragoza | 0,26(0,31) | 0,0043 (0,0052) |
France Personal, France Premium, China, China Beijing, China Dalian, China Fuzhou, China Guangzhou, China Haikou, China Hangzhou, China Chengu, China Chongqing, China Jinan, China Mobile, China Nanjing, China Qingdao, China Shanghai, China Shenzhen, China Sian, China Tianjin, China Xiamen, Sweden, Sweden Freephone, Sweden Gothenburg, Sweden Malmo, Sweden Personal, Sweden Stockholm | 0,27(0,33) | 0,0045 (0,0055) |
Australia Sydney, France, France Amiens, France Bordeaux, France Freephone, France Lille, France Lyon, France Marseille, France Nice, France Paris, France Strasbourg, Ireland Dublin | 0,28(0,34) | 0,0047 (0,0057) |
Ireland, Ireland Freephone, Ireland Shannon | 0,29(0,35) | 0,0048 (0,0058) |
Germany, Germany Berlin, Germany Cologne, Germany Dusseldorf, Germany Essen, Germany Frankfurt, Germany Hamburg, Germany Hannover, Germany Mannheim, Germany Munich, Germany Stuttgart, Germany Wiesbaden, Spain Premium, United States | 0,30(0,36) | 0,0050 (0,0060) |
Netherlands, Netherlands Amsterdam, Netherlands Eindhoven, Netherlands Freephone, Netherlands Groningen, Netherlands Rotterdam, Netherlands The Hague, Netherlands Utrecht, Norway, Norway Freephone, Norway Oslo, United States Freephone | 0,31(0,37) | 0,0051 (0,0062) |
Italy, Italy Freephone, Italy Genoa, Italy Milan, Italy Rome, Italy Turin, Italy Vicenza, United Kingdom Freephone, Vatican City | 0,31(0,38) | 0,0052 (0,0063) |
Poland, Poland Bialystok, Poland Freephone, Poland Gdansk, Poland Gorzow, Poland Katowice, Poland Krakow, Poland Lodz, Poland Lomza, Poland Lublin, Poland Olsztyn, Poland Opole, Poland Poznan, Poland Rzeszow, Poland Szczecin, Poland Tarnow, Poland Torun, Poland Wroclaw | 0,32(0,39) | 0,0054 (0,0065) |
Greece Athens, Hungary Budapest, Portugal, Portugal Azores, Portugal Faro, Portugal Freephone, Portugal Lisbon, Portugal Madeira, Portugal Personal, Portugal Porto | 0,33(0,40) | 0,0055 (0,0067) |
Argentina Cordoba, Argentina Mendoza, Argentina Rosario, Austria Vienna, Cocos Islands, Denmark Personal, Denmark Premium, Germany Pager, Germany Premium, Christmas Island, Poland Audiotext, Poland Pager, Poland Premium | 0,34(0,41) | 0,0056 (0,0068) |
Greece, Greece Freephone, Greece Iraklion, Greece Patrai, Greece Salonika | 0,35(0,42) | 0,0058 (0,0070) |
Austria, Austria Freephone, Austria Linz, Brazil Rio De Janeiro, Brazil Sao Paulo City, Netherlands Pager, Netherlands Personal, Netherlands Premium, Switzerland, Switzerland Bern, Switzerland Freephone, Switzerland Geneva, Switzerland Lausanne, Switzerland Zurich | 0,36(0,43) | 0,0059 (0,0072) |
Argentina, Argentina Corrientes, Argentina La Plata, Argentina Mar Del Plata, Argentina Marcos Juarez, Argentina San Juan, Argentina Santa Fe, Greece Mobile - Ote, Greece Pager, Greece Personal, Greece Premium, Hungary, Hungary Freephone, Norway Personal | 0,36(0,44) | 0,0061 (0,0073) |
Belgium, Belgium Antwerp, Belgium Brussels, Belgium Freephone, Belgium Pager, Belgium Personal, Belgium Premium, Puerto Rico | 0,37(0,45) | 0,0062 (0,0075) |
Luxembourg, Luxembourg Freephone, Taiwan, Taiwan Kao-hsiung, Taiwan T´ai-nan, Taiwan T´ao-yuan, Taiwan Taipei | 0,38(0,46) | 0,0063 (0,0077) |
Australia Adelaide, Australia Brisbane, Australia Canberra, Australia Melbourne, Australia Perth | 0,39(0,47) | 0,0065 (0,0078) |
Argentina Salta, Cyprus, Cyprus Freephone, Cyprus Nicosia, Cyprus Premium, South Korea, South Korea Audiotext, South Korea Freephone, South Korea Personal, South Korea Premium, South Korea Seoul, Thailand Bangkok | 0,40(0,48) | 0,0066 (0,0080) |
Brazil Belo Horizonte, Chile Santiago, Israel, Israel Jerusalem, Israel Tel Aviv | 0,41(0,50) | 0,0069 (0,0083) |
Argentina San Luis (prov. San , Australia, Australia Freephone, Australia Personal, Australia Premium, Estonia, Estonia Freephone | 0,42(0,51) | 0,0070 (0,0085) |
Guam, Chile, Chile - Other, Chile Freephone, Chile Iquique, Chile Quillota, Chile Temuco, Luxembourg Premium, Thailand Chiang Mai, Thailand Khon Kaen, Thailand Pattaya | 0,43(0,52) | 0,0072 (0,0087) |
Switzerland Personal | 0,44(0,53) | 0,0073 (0,0088) |
Ireland Pager, Ireland Personal, Ireland Premium, Malaysia, Malaysia Johor Baharu, Malaysia Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia Malacca, Malaysia Penang | 0,45(0,54) | 0,0074 (0,0090) |
Hungary Premium, Iceland, Iceland Premium, Iceland Reykjavik, Venezuela Caracas | 0,47(0,57) | 0,0079 (0,0095) |
Colombia Bogota | 0,48(0,58) | 0,0080 (0,0097) |
Turkey Adana, Turkey Antalya, Turkey Bursa, Turkey Istanbul | 0,49(0,59) | 0,0081 (0,0098) |
Turkey Ankara, Turkey Izmir, Us Virgin Islands | 0,50(0,60) | 0,0083 (0,0100) |
United States Hawaii | 0,53(0,64) | 0,0088 (0,0107) |
Romania Bucharest | 0,54(0,65) | 0,0090 (0,0108) |
Thailand, Thailand Kanchanaburi, Thailand Lop Buri, Thailand Mobile | 0,55(0,67) | 0,0092 (0,0112) |
Estonia Premium | 0,56(0,68) | 0,0094 (0,0113) |
Japan, Japan Funabashi, Japan Hamamatsu, Japan Hirosaki, Japan Kawasaki, Japan Kobe, Japan Kyoto, Japan Nagano, Japan Nagoya, Japan Okayama, Japan Okinawa, Japan Osaka, Japan Osaka Military, Japan Premium, Japan Sagamihara, Japan Saitamatan, Japan Sakai, Japan Sapporo, Japan Tokyo, Japan Tokyo Military, Japan Yokohama | 0,59(0,71) | 0,0098 (0,0118) |
Monaco, Monaco Audiotext, Monaco Premium | 0,60(0,72) | 0,0099 (0,0120) |
Romania, Romania Brasov, Romania Cluj, Romania Freephone | 0,61(0,74) | 0,0102 (0,0123) |
Jordan, Jordan Amman, Jordan Freephone | 0,64(0,77) | 0,0106 (0,0128) |
Bulgaria, Bulgaria Burgas, Bulgaria Freephone, Bulgaria Pager, Bulgaria Plovdiv, Bulgaria Premium, Bulgaria Russe, Bulgaria Sofia, Bulgaria Varna, Croatia, Croatia Zagreb | 0,67(0,81) | 0,0112 (0,0135) |
San Marino, San Marino Mobile, San Marino Premium, Slovenia, Slovenia Freephone | 0,68(0,82) | 0,0113 (0,0137) |
Kazakhstan Almaty | 0,69(0,83) | 0,0114 (0,0138) |
Slovenia Premium | 0,71(0,86) | 0,0118 (0,0143) |
Latvia, Latvia Freephone | 0,72(0,87) | 0,0120 (0,0145) |
Latvia Pager, Latvia Premium, New Zealand, New Zealand Auckland, New Zealand Freephone, New Zealand Premium, New Zealand Wellington, Venezuela, Venezuela Aragua, Venezuela Barquisimeto, Venezuela Maracaibo, Venezuela Margarita Island, Venezuela San Cristobal, Venezuela Valencia | 0,73(0,88) | 0,0121 (0,0147) |
Iran Tehran | 0,74(0,90) | 0,0124 (0,0150) |
Latvia Riga | 0,75(0,91) | 0,0125 (0,0152) |
Jordan Premium | 0,78(0,94) | 0,0129 (0,0157) |
Bahamas, Bahamas Mobile | 0,81(0,98) | 0,0135 (0,0163) |
Romania Folo | 0,83(1,00) | 0,0138 (0,0167) |
Hong Kong, Hong Kong Freephone, Hong Kong Mobile, Hong Kong Pager, Hong Kong Personal, Hong Kong Premium | 0,83(1,01) | 0,0139 (0,0168) |
Georgia Premium, Georgia Tbilisi, Turkey Premium, United States Alaska | 0,84(1,02) | 0,0140 (0,0170) |
Turkey, Turkey Erzurum, Turkey Eskisehir, Turkey Freephone, Turkey Kayseri, Turkey Konya, Turkey Trabzon | 0,85(1,03) | 0,0142 (0,0172) |
Brazil Brasilia, Brazil Campinas City, Brazil Curitiba, Brazil Florianopolis, Brazil Fortaleza, Brazil Goiania, Brazil Porto Alegre, Brazil Recife, Brazil Salvador, Brazil Vitoria, Malaysia Mobile - Cellcom, Peru Freephone, Peru Personal, Peru Premium | 0,87(1,05) | 0,0145 (0,0175) |
Finland Helsinki | 0,88(1,07) | 0,0147 (0,0178) |
Malaysia Mobile - Digi, Malaysia Mobile - Maxis, Panama, Panama Freephone, Panama Pager, Panama Panama City, Panama Personal, Peru, Peru Ancash, Peru Arequipa, Peru Cuzco, Peru Ica, Peru Junin, Peru La Libertad, Peru Lambayeque, Peru Lima, Peru Rural | 0,91(1,10) | 0,0152 (0,0183) |
Malaysia Mobile - Other Carrie | 0,93(1,12) | 0,0154 (0,0187) |
Russia | 0,98(1,19) | 0,0164 (0,0198) |
Romania Premium | 1,02(1,24) | 0,0171 (0,0207) |
Andorra, Andorra Freephone | 1,03(1,25) | 0,0172 (0,0208) |
Russia 2, Russia 2 2, Russia Moscow Region, Voxbone Int Freephone | 1,08(1,31) | 0,0180 (0,0218) |
Lithuania, Lithuania Freephone, Lithuania Vilnius | 1,09(1,32) | 0,0182 (0,0220) |
Finland, Finland Freephone, Finland Premium | 1,10(1,33) | 0,0183 (0,0222) |
Liechtenstein, Liechtenstein Freephone, Liechtenstein Premium | 1,13(1,37) | 0,0189 (0,0228) |
Georgia, Lithuania Premium, Pakistan, Pakistan Faisalabad, Pakistan Freephone, Pakistan Islamabad, Pakistan Jhelum, Pakistan Karachi, Pakistan Lahore, Pakistan Mobile - Istaphone, Pakistan Mobile - Mobilink, Pakistan Mobile - Other Carrie, Pakistan Mobile - Paktel, Pakistan Mobile - Telnor, Pakistan Mobile - Ufone, Pakistan Premium, Pakistan Sialkot | 1,14(1,38) | 0,0190 (0,0230) |
Brazil, Brazil Sao Jose City, Brazil Sao Paulo State Other C | 1,17(1,41) | 0,0194 (0,0235) |
South Korea Mobile | 1,17(1,42) | 0,0196 (0,0237) |
Bolivia Cochabamba, Bolivia La Paz, Bolivia Santa Cruz, Cyprus Mobile, Cyprus Pager, Cyprus Personal | 1,18(1,43) | 0,0197 (0,0238) |
Martinique, Martinique Premium | 1,20(1,45) | 0,0200 (0,0242) |
Gibraltar | 1,22(1,48) | 0,0204 (0,0247) |
Colombia Barranquilla | 1,26(1,52) | 0,0209 (0,0253) |
Russia Mobile 1, South Africa, South Africa Cape Town, South Africa Durban, South Africa Johannesburg, South Africa Premium, South Africa Pretoria | 1,27(1,54) | 0,0212 (0,0257) |
Colombia, Colombia Armenia, Colombia Bucaramanga, Colombia Cali, Colombia Cucuta, Colombia Freephone, Colombia Ibague, Colombia Medellin, Colombia Palmira, Colombia Pereira, Colombia Premium, India Hyderabad, Mariana Islands, Mariana Islands Mobile | 1,34(1,62) | 0,0223 (0,0270) |
Russia Mobile | 1,36(1,65) | 0,0227 (0,0275) |
Gabon, Gabon Mobile - Celtel, Gabon Mobile - Libertis, Gabon Mobile - Telecel, Gabon Satellite, Iraq, Iraq Baghdad | 1,38(1,67) | 0,0230 (0,0278) |
Russia Overlay | 1,40(1,69) | 0,0233 (0,0282) |
Malawi, Malawi Mobile - Celtel, Malawi Mobile - Telekom Networ | 1,45(1,75) | 0,0241 (0,0292) |
Costa Rica, Costa Rica Mobile | 1,45(1,76) | 0,0242 (0,0293) |
India Punjab, Macau, Macau Mobile | 1,48(1,79) | 0,0247 (0,0298) |
India Mobile - Other Carriers | 1,50(1,81) | 0,0249 (0,0302) |
Vietnam Ho Chi Minh | 1,51(1,83) | 0,0252 (0,0305) |
Finland Personal, India Ahmedabad, India Bangalore, India Bombay, India Calcutta, India Madras, India New Delhi, United Kingdom Local Rate | 1,54(1,86) | 0,0256 (0,0310) |
Brunei Darussalam, Brunei Darussalam Mobile, Brunei Darussalam Pager, Paraguay Asuncion | 1,58(1,91) | 0,0263 (0,0318) |
Uzbekistan Mobile | 1,61(1,95) | 0,0269 (0,0325) |
Azerbaijan Baku, Uzbekistan | 1,64(1,98) | 0,0273 (0,0330) |
Argentina Mobile | 1,64(1,99) | 0,0274 (0,0332) |
India Baroda, India Mobile - Bsnl | 1,65(2,00) | 0,0275 (0,0333) |
Serbia, Serbia Belgrade, Serbia Nis | 1,68(2,03) | 0,0280 (0,0338) |
India, India Andhra Pradesh, India Bihar, India Goa, India Gujarat, India Haryana, India Jammu And Kashmir, India Karnataka, India Kerala, India Madhya Pradesh, India Maharashtra, India North East And Assam, India Orissa, India Pune, India Rajasthan, India Surat, India Tamil Nadu, India Uttar Pradesh, India West Bengal, Tajikistan Dushanbe | 1,74(2,10) | 0,0289 (0,0350) |
Armenia, Armenia Freephone, Armenia Premium, Armenia Yerevan | 1,75(2,12) | 0,0292 (0,0353) |
Bermuda, Bermuda Mobile | 1,76(2,13) | 0,0293 (0,0355) |
Taiwan Mobile, Taiwan Pager, Taiwan Personal, Tajikistan Mobile | 1,77(2,14) | 0,0295 (0,0357) |
Vietnam Hanoi | 1,79(2,16) | 0,0298 (0,0360) |
Albania Tirane | 1,81(2,19) | 0,0302 (0,0365) |
Kuwait | 1,83(2,22) | 0,0306 (0,0370) |
Serbia Kosovo | 1,86(2,25) | 0,0310 (0,0375) |
Kuwait Mobile | 1,87(2,26) | 0,0311 (0,0377) |
Turkey North Cyprus | 1,88(2,28) | 0,0314 (0,0380) |
Zimbabwe, Zimbabwe Harare, Zimbabwe Victoria Falls | 1,89(2,29) | 0,0315 (0,0382) |
Vietnam, Vietnam Can Tho, Vietnam Freephone | 1,92(2,32) | 0,0320 (0,0387) |
Namibia, Namibia Premium, Namibia Windhoek | 1,93(2,33) | 0,0321 (0,0388) |
Jamaica, Jamaica Audiotext, Jamaica Personal, Jamaica Premium | 1,95(2,36) | 0,0325 (0,0393) |
Zde uvedené ceny jsou pouze výtahem z ceníku - pro zjištění přesné částky Vám doporučujeme používat primárně kalkulačku ceny hovoru výše.